Hey We're Back!
"Hey, We’re Back" is an audio sketch show that some people might call a "podcast". Created by Award-Winning Comedian Jonathan Katz (Dr. Katz), it features such celebrated comedians as Sarah Silverman, Garry Shandling, Robin Williams and so many more. More info at JonathanKatz.com
Hey We're Back!
#12 Telephone Sex and The Death Row Diet - Tom Leopold
Jonathan Katz
I try and help out a friend trying to promote her yoga business, I lend my support to the telephone sex industry, and I also get to spend some time on Death Row for a crime I did not commit. Even though I am on Death Row my lawyer is trying to get me an endorsement deal with Weight Watchers.
("Death Row Diet" was developed into an animated sketch. Check it out here.)
Featuring: Tom Leopold
(Death Row segment) Recorded and Edited by Tom Snyder
Music by: Mike Shapiro, Billy Novick, and Guy Van Duser